PARENTS were shocked to receive a letter from a secondary school asking them for money.

The Billericay School has asked parents to contribute £20 per term towards extras the school provides such as diaries and transport to extra curricular activities.

It said this was necessary due to the school finding itself struggling financially and if enough money wasn't raised, it would have to cancel some events.

Junior school kitchen staff Kelly King, 30, of Billericay, who has children at the school, said: "After an initial feeling of shock at being asked, I have actually come around to the idea of paying a contribution.

"My daughter uses a lot of after school clubs and resources so I think it's fair that we help if we are able.

"I hope that the school receive enough help to prevent significant cut backs for our children."

Mum Tracy Clements, of Billericay, added: "I have read the letter and will be in the minority that will contribute even though I am a single parent.

"Sadly it's a sign of the times but when you think of how much money we all spend on our kids for holidays, days out, phones, the latest trainers, Xbox games etc then it's a small price to pay in my opinion.

"Personally I think the school is doing a great job with the resources they have.

"Maybe this will encourage people to get out and vote next time we have a general election."

Sharon O'Sullivan said she had previously been asked by a different school for money and thought that is was unfair for schools to ask.

She added: "When my children attended Melbourne school, now Park Wood Academy many years ago, they tried to introduce a similar scheme where parents were asked to contribute voluntarily a set amount per term per child to pay for trips etc.

"The cost was quite high considering at the time I had two children attending and I questioned the school as to why we could not pay per trip.

"The trips upcoming were basically cheap trips and I asked why the cost was so high, they said was so that everyone could benefit.

"I questioned the fact I was on a low income and there were known parents who were not working who would never pay this and why should I fund their children?

"I know it's sad for these children but if the parents really cared, they would pay otherwise the children should not be allowed on the trips.

"I begrudge supporting other parents' children, I earn my money to pay for my children."

She said that she wasn't cold-hearted, but thought it was unfair that some parents would not pay, leaving it up to others to make up for it.