I worry about the message Nigel Holdcroft, leader of Southend Council, is sending out on the future of the town’s heritage buildings.

The latest now under threat is the old police station in Leigh, which he wishes to see demolished as part of a chance to expand parking in the area.

The bad old days of the Sixties and Seventies have not gone away in Southend.

Far too many buildings bit the dust then, and our Mr Holdcroft seems in favour of a continuation of that policy.

It was only a few weeks ago a glorious photo of the police station appeared in the Echo, with the centenary celebration of this working building. What a swift change of fortune for this lovely old building. One day celebration and, in the next breath, demolition.

I am all in favour of modernisation and change, but in Southend the baby is being thrown out with the bath water.

It would even be nice if Mr Holdcroft actually asked the citizens of Leigh what they would like. Whatever happened to representing the people of the town and listening to their wishes?

With the prospect of the old former library, the Central Museum, becoming vacant, its chances of survival look bleak.

Developers will be rubbing their hands as they will see any old building in the borough, without listed building status, as fair game, with the council leading by example. Sixties service is resumed.

Chris Jones
Hollytree Gardens