l My bad habits: I never clean my boots. It costs me a fortune in fines.

l My superstitions: I pack my football bag and two minutes later I take everything out and have to re-pack to make sure I have everything.

l Closest ally: Two lads I am very close to are Josh Banton and Manny Sackey. They are great lads.

l Best trainer: It’s a new group so it is a tough one but I will go with Manny, although he needs to work on his two touch.

l Worst trainer: I have only trained a few times with the new group but Jack Adlington always seems to be up there in the vote.

l Worst gear: I haven’t seen anyone’s clobber on a night out yet so it’s going to be Harley Kee for his naughty A-Line boots!

l Worst barnet: Nikki Beale pointed out the other day that Harley Kee’s barnet looks like Hayley Cropper from Corrie.

l Dressing room DJ: We have a few...Jacob Cleaver when he turns up, Josh Banton likes a go when we let him.

l Longest in front of the mirror: Steve Butterworth...always sorting out his headband!

l Longest in the shower: Manny Sackey.