Isn't it time we stopped pretending the BBC is politically impartial?

I used to enjoy listening to BBC Radio 4 for its intelligent and wide-ranging coverage of politics and current affairs.

Nowadays it is almost impossible to turn on the station without hearing a continuous stream of Conservative Party speakers (MPs, former MPs, members of the House of Lords, local party members, constituency party chairmen - in fact anyone who votes Conservative).

I accept that listeners and TV viewers ought to be told about the current shenanigans in the Tory party but the BBC seems to be so obsessed with reporting every nuance of the different factions that other viewpoints are largely ignored.

Of course, the Labour Party is allowed some opportunities to put its views and, very occasionally, the other opposition parties, but the whole emphasis of BBC programmes appears to be to give the maximum possible time to the Conservatives, especially those who are cheerleaders for hard Brexit, the most extreme wing of the party, people who hate the European Union and everything it stands for.

The BBC should change its name to CPBS, the initials standing for Conservative Party Broadcasting Service.

Barry Woodward
Abbots Road, Colchester