Everyone in “lower class” Britain has an awful prospect in the next few years because of this Government, and possibly the next. But don’t forget whatever they promise now never comes to fruition.

There are very few MPs who will stand up to whatever Government is in power. The ones who promise everything and achieve very little of consequence.

It is our own fault for not reacting to the arrogant politicians sitting in Parliament taking money from our pockets.

We the, indigenous races of Great Britain (English-Welsh-Scots and Irish), suffer the most because we are classified as anti-Europe which I must admit I am, at least in its current form.

It is acknowledged there is blatant fraud in the EU and by most of the leading countries who should know better but do nothing because they are making so much cash and prestige on their own home ground.

On the other hand, We have the Brown Govern-ment which bows and scrapes to powers in Brussels at our expense.

I hate to say it, but the people of Britain must wake up to the constantly worsening situation created by Labour and Conservative Governments which use the poor as economic fodder, much as they did in recent wars as cannon fodder.

B R Rudlin
Richmond Drive