It was good to see the protest march by the Unite and Unison groups in Southend High Street passing off peacefully and proving the police will protect the democratic right to protest and not become involved unless there is a threat of violence.

But do street marches ever change the course of government action? Not in my lifetime. And are some of the banners rather naive?

If we write “Protect Public Services” on the banners (and we all agree with that sentiment) shouldn’t the message also include the solution “Increase Taxes”, for how else are vital services to be paid for?

We may talk of taxing bankers more heavily, but would that be a drop in the ocean ?

We are told we must learn to live within our means, but we can still vote for whatever party we believe has the nous to generate wealth and still try to achieve a humane balance for adequate social services.

While I still believe the ballot box is the proper solution to our problems the results, as in the general election, can be negated by the apathetic who do not vote and thus create a mish-mash coalition.

Only compulsory voting and a legally binding mandate would ensure we elect a government reflecting the true wishes of the electorate

Steve Askham
Elmsleigh Drive