I don’t know which is worse, the wickedness of our press in describing the jobless as shirkers or the stupidity of the public in believing it.

It is winter. There’s snow, and what a shocking surprise that is.

It comes as no shock and little surprise to hear the usual braying tribe of idiots clamour that the unemployed should sweep the streets. As if they had nothing better to do, like looking for a job.

Are people really this infernally stupid? Do they really believe that all the unemployed are doing is sitting around all day watching plasma screen TVs provided by the job centre?

Perhaps, in their smug stupidity, they think they have a secure job or a safe pension. No such thing.

It would be more than poetic justice if they find themselves sweeping their own streets. But what about the unemployed street sweepers? If a job is necessary, shouldn’t it already be being done?

Properly paid?

Paul Divine
Northville Drive