FRAUDSTERS claiming incorrect discount on their council tax are being given a chance to come clean during a five-week amnesty.

Castle Point Council is targeting people claiming single persons discount, worth 25 per cent of the total bill, while not actually living alone.

Claimants who own up to their dishonesty before August 31 will be moved on to the correct payment, but will not face any additional fines or legal action.

Council leader Pam Challis said: “The council has a legal and social responsibility to collect all council tax due and ensure everyone in Castle Point gets value for money.

“Those people who claim a discount to which they are not entitled to are not only committing a criminal offence, but are also placing an unfair burden on other people.

“These people are paying the right amount and subsidising services for those who are not.”

The amnesty is being offered ahead of a crackdown on false claims later this year. Currently, 11,000 residents in the borough are claiming single person discount, available to people who live alone or with other individuals, or are not eligible to pay council tax, such as children or full-time students.

After August 31, the council plans to carry out a residency check to uncover residents whose circumstances do not match those recorded on their council tax bills.

If you think you may no longer be entitled to a council tax discount, contact Castle Point Council’s council tax team on 01268 882208, write to Castle Point Council, Department CT, PO Box 15, Benfleet, Essex, SS7 1AY, or e-mail