TEENAGERS have praised a scheme to provide free bus tickets to youngsters from poor backgrounds in Southend.

The Southend Youth Council is ploughing a grant from the Government-backed Fix It fund, to ensure teenagers who rely on public transport can get around free of charge.

The initiative was devised following a youth council debate and a consultation with teenagers using Southend’s youth centres.

The youth council transport committee received £20,000 from Fix It, which was used to buy more than 1,300 bus tickets, for under-privileged teenagers.

Erin Burrows, 15, chairman of the Southend Youth Council transport committee and Southend youth mayor said: “The scheme has been hugely popular among young people.

“It has given them the opportunity to experience new things and develop new links across the town.

“We never expected the response the scheme has received. We have had hundreds of applications already.”

The tickets are awarded to young people who have been nominated to benefit from the scheme and who meet specified criteria.

For more information on Southend Youth Council call 01702 615291 or e-mail youthmayor@southend.gov.uk.