TRAVELLERS have been told they are not welcome at a village residents’ association.

People living at the unauthorised Dale Farm site, in Crays Hill, approached Ramsden Crays Residents’ Association about joining in July.

They said it was an attempt to build bridges between travellers and villagers who have been at odds since the site was illegally expanded in 2002.

However, five months later, in a letter to camp spokesman Richard Sheridan, the association has said applications from the community will not currently be processed.

The letter explained the association’s committee did not believe travellers joining, while the legal case over the site continues, would lead to better community cohesion.

It said the decision was not a matter of “principle”, but one of “timing”. It went on to say the committee did not feel it appropriate for travellers to join during the dispute when their views about green belt development were so opposed to those of villagers.

Mr Sheridan has forwarded a copy of the letter to Clive Mardner, director of Essex Racial Equality Council.

Mr Mardner said: “I will be raising it with the Equalities and Human Rights comittee as I believe the decision to be illegal.

“It is wrong to exclude one section of the community from joining simply because they are in a legal dispute with Basildon Council.

“I do not believe the grounds for excluding them are valid. The residents’ association should be open to everyone in the community.”

Tina Borer, chairman of the association, said the committee stood by the position outlined in the letter.

She said: “This is our position.

“It has taken this long to respond, because as the approach was made to the committee, we wanted the decision to be taken by the whole committee.”